Leading with The Heart

Tim Hart
2 min readJun 14, 2024


Photo by Chermiti Mohamed on Unsplash

I read a quote this week about running, “Lead with your heart.” And there’s a lot of symbolism in that.

Leading with your heart is a powerful mantra. It’s strong. It holds tough. It’s one of those things that you think, Damn, that’s cool.

Because taking your leap of faith, taking a risk, learning something new, putting yourself outside of that bloody comfort zone that does its best to hold us in — all starts with leading with your heart.

It’s like that compulsion that’s just slamming against us, needing to make something of ourselves. Your heart beating so damn hard it needs to make something of itself.

It can be as simple as having a hard conversation. It can be as simple as getting on a plane. It can be as complicated as starting something where you have no idea if it’ll work out. And when I say none, it’s none.

And if you could see my hand gestures, whilst I run and spit this piece into my voice memos you’d be amazed at how passionate I am about leading with your heart.

And I know the truth is that if you lead with your heart first and foremost, above everything else. Your brain. Your subconscious. The opinions of others. If you lead with your heart, your legs have to follow.

As we lean forward, we’ve got to take the step. There is no other choice. Two things can happen. We fall or we catch ourselves. The leap into the unknown. Regardless if you know it’s the right thing or not.

But what I can tell you is that stepping and taking that first heartthrob, first heartbeat into something great. If you lead from the heart muscle, you can’t go wrong.

Without your heart, you couldn’t love. Without the mushy red thing deep within your chest, beating to keep the blood flowing, keeping us alive. We wouldn’t have meaning or ambition or any of those things.

We can’t get it wrong. If we lead with our hearts.

I think what we get wrong is we lead with our brains, our motives are out of line, recalling all of the past with a blurred lens.

The heart can hold us back from the thing we love. Insecurities, past hurts, and difficulties within this life can all be held back.

Which is to say if your heart keeps trying to lean into something, keeps trying to pull you there, make you change your behaviour, make you do the thing, stop ignoring it.


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Tim Hart

Australian, travelling and writing. Coffee addict and sad song loving enthusiast looking for the next adventure. Newsletter:https://substack.com/@timhartwriter