It Took Me a Year To Begin Making Videos

Tim Hart
2 min readJun 6, 2024
Photo by ShareGrid on Unsplash

A year ago I filmed a book review.

It was in my car, out the front of a shitty hotel I stayed at the night before flying home for a month.

I attempted multiple takes of that video.

The book — Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabriela Zevin.

I settled on one. Having the intention to post it and start making videos.

As you can likely guess I never posted it, in fact, I never ever watched it back.

I tell you this, to tell you this week I filmed a new version of that video and posted it.

It took me a year.

The video still sucks, but I am doing it. I’m making something, which I feel is worth making. Which is to say I like making things.

Now I have two choices, I can beat myself up for not beginning a year ago.

Or I can pat myself on the back, and celebrate that I started. Even if it’s almost a year later.

I’ve opted for the latter.

Starting something new isn’t easy. Starting something in public is even harder.

Starting isn’t easy.

I started posting videos in November. I started posting book reviews in February. I’m learning, I’m challenging myself, and I’m finding speaking aloud is helping my writing.

The goal isn’t to blow up overnight. The goal isn’t to get views, likes and follows. The goal is to do the thing. Do it consistently. Do it with mistakes.

Do it. DO it. DO It. DO IT.

If those things happen great. But we shouldn’t measure things on metrics out of our control.

We should measure things on — How they make us feel. Are we doing the work? Are we creating because it makes us feel ourselves? Are we making art for the right reasons?

I love making things, I love fiddling, trying and seeing something go from nothing to complete. Even if imperfect.

That’s what we should strive for.

It may take a long time to start — You may even be embarrassed but I’ve always got more from making things than I did from any insults that came along with it.

Let’s see where another year takes us.

Love Tim xx

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Tim Hart

Australian, travelling and writing. Coffee addict and sad song loving enthusiast looking for the next adventure. Newsletter: