How Society Thinks

Flipping the question

Tim Hart
3 min readFeb 16, 2024
Photo by Sasha Freemind on Unsplash

If people walked around, with all their hardest moments on their faces.

The tough moments, the heartbreaks, the losses, the hurts, the traumas, the violence.

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Others would be nicer, compassionate and empathic.

If you could see into somebody’s soul, seeing just how badly they’d been hurt. We would behave differently.

If you took the mask off your face and could see all of your thoughts. You’d realise, you aren’t alone. You never were.

We’d realise people are clever. We’d realise people are brave. We’d realise the vast majority of people want to do the right thing.

If you remove the lens of society, how does it shift the way we view other people?

Society provides us with a lot of shoulds. I should do that. I should do that because my parents told me to. I should because my teacher said my life would be miserable without it.

The should’s are what get us in trouble. As we don’t follow our hearts. Our hearts live and breathe. My own heart lives on my arm, my sleeve. And it’s the bravest thing I do.

I don’t want to live with my heart buried deep within me.

I notice how society protrudes even myself, I shouldn’t do that because they might think this. I shouldn’t do that because I’m almost 30. I shouldn’t do that because I am a disabled man and it brings more attention to me.

In fact, you should.

You should do the thing you are most terrified of doing.

We all inherently know this. But how many of us do?

I’ve lived many experiences, been to many places, and travelled the world. In the same way that if you’ve been to enough cities, you can navigate around any city. There’s a feeling in which they feel the same. The buildings fill the expanse, and the concrete fills the natural earth. There are cafes, bars, restaurants and corner stores. Cities look different, but fundamentally at their bones, they are similar.

People are different, the shops, the culture, the language.

But most are set up similarly around the world.

Most are set up around the town centre, river or ocean.

That dictates how that city, town or place operates.

A feeling of familiarity swallows you into the walls of the city, and our imaginations ignite.

Now if we were to change that, would people know how to do it? How to navigate the world in that way.

If society didn’t exist in a particular way, how would we present to the world?

If we could remove the lens, and the expectations of society. What would that look like?

But more than that or maybe less than.

Most people are unable to do that part.

So flip the question.

How would I like to be seen by society? How do I want to present to all those other humans?

What do I want societies to look like?

What are our positives, negatives and values?

However, the question should be.

Should I care?

Can I be kinder, more honest and braver?

And when I pondered on this question, should I care what society thinks?

I left thinking — No.

Have a great weekend xx



Tim Hart

Australian, travelling and writing. Coffee addict and sad song loving enthusiast looking for the next adventure. Newsletter: